
10 Types of Leaders

Throughout our careers, we’ve had multiple leaders that’s mold and shaped us into who we are as a professional today. As there isn’t a one size fits all type of leadership, each leader adapt their own styles of leadership, one which they feel most comfortable with and works best for them. In the spirit of having a little fun, I’ve identified 10 different types of leadership styles.


How Leaders Run Effective Meetings

This is a topic I think we all relate to. We’ve all have had an experience when we leave a meeting and just thought to ourselves “What was the point of that?”. Unfortunately, it is quite common that meetings are ran poorly, which leaves all in attendance frustrated that their times were wasted and nothing was accomplished or gained. Too often does a meeting fail to meet its objective and yet, leaders fail to recognize the problem and fail to make proper changes.


Body Language of Leaders

We go about living our lives without much thought on how our body language communicates with others around us. Many of us takes our physical communication as far as the clothes and accessories we put on in the morning. We try to have the best looking clothes that expresses our mood, our style and our character. We wear unique clothes and accessories to express ourselves, but we neglect the fact that besides our clothing, when others look at us, our body language speaks just as loud as the clothes we have on.


Leadership During Crisis

Throughout our lives, we’ve all experience crisis which consumes us. Whether they be personal or professional crisis, they give is the same feelings of stress, anxiety, concerns and fear of the unknown to come. In times like these, those who lead us out of the crisis, the leaders, are most important. Not only what decisions they make to get us through the crisis, but also how they go about handling the entire situation makes great difference.